Forthcoming Services and Events
Vacancy: Part-time Parish Administrator
The Parochial Church Council of St Nicholas of Myra, Brighton is seeking to recruit a Parish Administrator. Responsibilities of the role include the booking and coordination of church hires, and promotion of the church as a multi-purpose space; assisting with parochial administration including rotas, licensing returns, filing, maintaining the parish diary and database, and procurement of office and church supplies; assisting with printing and publicity; and serving as a point of contact and access to the building for volunteers, and other workers. The postholder will work in a friendly and cooperative team with the Vicar and Churchwardens, to ensure the smooth running of this busy inner-city church. This is a part-time permanent role (6 hours per week), paid at £13.88 p/h, with some scope for seasonal overtime. For further information, please contact Fr Dominic Keech at
9 February IV before Lent - weekly booklet and notices
A Space For You: Monthly Meditation Sessions (1pm on the last Monday of the month)
The last Monday of the month meditations led by Frs. Chris and David have resumed and happen at 1pm on each last Monday through out the year. The poster with dates can be viewed below:
NB - next session WILL NOW BE ON MONDAY 4TH NOVEMBER AT 1PM AND NOT Monday 28th October at 1pm.
Recitals Programme: January-March 2025
Our current Wednesday Recitals programme can be downloaded here.
Open Church at St Nicholas
Throughout the Autumn and Winter Months the church will be open for refreshments, prayer and rest. Visit our beautiful church and have a cup of tea and a chat. Everyone Welcome!
Down load the poster for times:
APCM 2024 Agenda, Minutes and Reports
APCM 2024 Annual Report and Financials for the year ending 31 December 2023
Churchyard Prayer Trail
A resource for reflection and prayer while walking round the churchyard
Additional Church Fees 2025
Table of additional fees for weddings, funerals and other pastoral services