
Sunday Worship
Sunday 8.00am Eucharist
This is a quiet service with a short address. On the first Sunday of the month the service follows the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer.
Sunday 10.30am Parish Eucharist
This is our principal gathering each week and includes an address, music - including a choir - and refreshments after the service. During school term time, Junior Church – for children of primary school age - meets during the first half of the service in the Community Room. Incense is used at this service as a symbol of prayer, and much of the service is sung. We hear readings from Scripture and share Holy Communion together.
Sunday evenings
Sunday evening worship takes place on special occasions, usually at 6.00pm. Please see the weekly news sheet for further information.

Our worship together is structured on ancient patterns of prayer inherited from Scripture and the earliest Christian disciples
At the centre of everything we do and are is the Eucharist, also called the Mass or Holy Communion. Christ instructed his disciples to celebrate this meal in remembrance of him, and we do this nearly every day. In the Eucharist we encounter Christ, and the transforming power of his love.
On Sundays our main celebration at 10.30am combines music and movement, colour, scent and taste – a feast for all the senses. On weekdays and early on Sunday morning, our worship is simpler, an interplay of words, actions and silence.
Alongside the Eucharist, we also pray the Daily Office. At Matins and Evensong (Morning and Evening Prayer) we recite the psalms and listen to readings from Scripture and ancient Christian authors. We pray through the day to help us ‘hallow time’, and recognise the presence of God in every moment.

Weekday Worship
We celebrate the Eucharist throughout the week at the following times, but please check our home page for the week ahead as services are subject to occasional change:
Tuesday 8.15am Eucharist from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, followed by light breakfast
Wednesday 3.00pm Eucharist, followed by tea and conversation
Thursday 5.30pm Eucharist followed by Silent Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament until 6.30pm, or 12.00 noon Eucharist
Friday 12.00 noon Eucharist
Saturday 12.00 noon Eucharist
Weekday mass times can sometimes vary so please check the news page of the website for current timings